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Main road into Yosemite National Park closed after rain triggers rockslide

Main road into Yosemite National Park closed after rain triggers rockslide

State officials said the main highway to Yosemite National Park was closed indefinitely due to rocky landslides after several recent rains.

After wet weather, about two miles of Highway 140 extends between Brisburg and El Portal leading to the park, causing the rock to fall into a narrow canyon. SFGATE report.

California has suffered repeated storms over the past few weeks that have dumped a few feet on the hills and caused debris flow and rocky landslides on highways across the state.

In Facebook post, California Highway Patrol recommends motorists to use state routes of 41 and 120 Alternatives to enter Yosemite.

There is no cleaning schedule provided as staff need to enter the hillside and remove debris. For real-time information on the road, download Caltrans’s QuickMap application.

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