one mayor Washington State University blew up LGBTQ activists after State New York City drove the Intrive of Action Flag as a “political stunt” in the Public Comment section of the City Council meeting Tuesday.
The exchange took place between Newcastle City Council Mayor Robert Clark and a woman named Jen. Newcastle is a suburb of Seattle.
Clark American flag.

Newcastle Mayor Robert Clark blew up an LGBTQ activist, saying it was a “political stunt” to fly the prisoner/Mia flag over the town hall after he didn’t want to hang the proud flag. (Shannon Finney/Getty Image)
Last year, she pointed out that the City Council’s way of voting was not in Pride Month, and was later flipped after public outrage. At the time, Clark told the local exporter Komo that if the pride flag was to be flew, everyone’s flag had to be flew.
“Do you want a Hamas flag flying over Newcastle? Or a Marg flag? How about the Trump flag or Antie French flag? We don’t go there.” “Everyone is equally represented by the American flag.”
Zhan said that although she was “very supportive” Veterans, Prisoners and MIA, She believes that “100 days a year are political stunts” is flying the POW/MIA flag.
Then, Zhan began to compare the population of the American prisoners of war or MIA with how many Americans belong to the LGBTQ community, suggesting that Pride Flag represents more people.
“My research shows that 82,000 Americans registered as prisoners of war or MIA are cruel and terrible and no American will happen, but there should be something there [are] She said.

LGBTQ activist Jen M. called Newcastle Mayor Robert Clark “disgusting” to fly the POW/MIA flag after the flag said no other flag would fly above the city hall except the American flag. (Newcastle City/YouTube)
She then accuses the council members of hypocrisy and achieves special interests by choosing to hang the POW/MIA flag in the city hall instead of the pride flag.
“I think you’re trying to fool people not have to hang the proud flag in June by making sure the Pow/Mia Flag is really disgusting. Once again, that’s not anything fair and I think you should be ashamed of. I absolutely am. I absolutely am.”
Her comments caught fire under the mayor’s leadership, who said he wouldn’t normally respond to public comments, but he “wouldn’t sit here and I’m told that veterans are political stunts.”
When Clark shot the woman, he heard some audience members clapping and added, “How dare you?”
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Newcastle Mayor Robert Clark said he was “angry” after a woman expressed “concern” about Pow/Mia Flag’s “fight” flying over the city hall at the city hall. (Newcastle City/YouTube)
“This country was founded because of the death of veterans. Thousands of people died for this country so you can hang a flag of pride.”
He apologized for being “angry” and “out of time” but warned her to “not belittle the veterans in front of me.”
“The 82,000 people who never came home will never have the chance to have a family or grow up Driving your pride flag He said. “They sacrificed their lives around the world for freedom in the United States and around the world.”
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The mayor seemed to be aware of Zhan’s opinion and said he “tolerated” her comments, even though they were always “attacked” and “slandered”.
“I tolerate it because you may not be able to help yourself, but never demean the veterans in front of me,” he said.
Clark repeated, “Never belittle the veterans in front of me.”
“We’re done,” he said before opening the floor to the next spokesperson.