Guillaume Verdon stands In front of me, he held a new type of computer chip in his hand – he thought it was so important to the future of mankind that he was asked not to reveal our exact location for fear that his headquarters might be the target of industrial espionage.
I can tell you so much: We were in the office a short drive from Boston, and a few days ago, the chips arrived from the foundry. It is located on a Big Mac’s width circuit board. The little finger-sized silicon itself is scattered with a set of exotic components: not ordinary semiconductor transistors, nor is it a superconducting element. Quantum chipsbut the guts of a fundamental new paradigm called thermodynamic computing.
Unlike the quantum cousin, thermodynamic calculations are expected to exceed the binary constraints of 1s and 0s. But while quantum computing is elucidated by extreme cryogenic cooling to minimize random thermodynamic fluctuations occurring in electronic components, this new paradigm aims to Horse Furniture Those are very fluctuating.
Engineers are chasing two paradigms to accelerate the past ordinary silicon chips and meet the craziest demand for machining capabilities in the AI era. But Verdon – his startup outlook – wasn’t just the contestants in that race. He is also one of the most shameless hype people in the AI era. He is well known for his online Alter Alter Ego, headquartered in Beff Jezos, a prophet of an ideology called effective accelerationism.
Short, effective accelerationism is called “E/ACC” and is right Effective altruismThe movement has convinced many technically that the rise of artificial universal intelligence (unless it is folded and secure) poses almost certain risks to human survival risks. “ea is like: ‘I believe the goblin and the burden of proof is against me on you,” a fairly typical Based on BEFF posts Starting from 2022.
He wrote that AI has risks to exercise Another post That year, “is a sincere hazard that causes depression among our most talented and smartest people, killing our productivity growth for a greater prosperous future.” Another common goal of the AI Ethics movement is the AI Ethics movement, which criticizes large language models that are full of architects’ biases and blind spots. As BEFF continues to spread the boon of E/ACC online, it quickly became a rally cry for some members of the tech elite, with prominent figures like Marc Andreessen and Garry Tan temporarily adding “E/ACC” to their X usernames.
Effective acceleratorism is perhaps best seen as the most technological edge among the broader fashionists: a belief that American politics is broken, cautious, over-regulated and awakened ideologies are preventing the country. This spirit helped push Donald Trump back to the White House Elon Muskthe hero of the E/ACC sports, is by his side. Like Trump 2.0, effective accelerationism is expected to be in an unstoppable American Renaissance and has a tough view of the work needed to get there. In both cases, the details are blurred.
But at the sharp resolution of laboratory microscopes, the details of Verdun’s new chip are simple, even if there is no other observation: a series of square features, each dozens of microns wide. Verdon promises that these components will be used to generate “programmable randomness” – chips that can control probability to produce useful calculations. He said when used in conjunction with classical computers, they will provide an efficient way to model uncertainty, a critical task for a variety of advanced computing, from modeling weather and financial markets to artificial intelligence. (Some academic labs have built prototype thermodynamic hardware, including simple Neural Network– The core technology of modern machine learning. )