Netflix Games A panel discussion of the inspiration behind the Big Money game was held on Netflix and their based show.
Netflix’s TransMedia head Jason Altman held a group match at the Game Developers meeting at Side Evermition at Netflix Games.
Netflix Games’ Bill Jackson said the Squid Game release was a huge opportunity, but added: “We know we have to be right.” The show was dark and the game team thought they had to stand out from it and mitigate it.
“The result is that it’s a completely different entry point to enter the world, and a different expression of fanaticism,” Jackson said.
He said the company is pushing the world’s expression in the squid game to come up with something different. Having a serious performance style in cartoon style and doing a lot of killings is a very different twist, and there are some adventures.
He said there are opportunities to cross the border with skins and rewards. The game feels what part of the streaming series you watch on Netflix, and it gives you a reward based on that progress.
Albert Kim said his competition on Electric State was a companion to the popular Netflix movie “State of Electricity.” Jason said the game has a retro feel, and it allows you to delve into the sibling relationships on the show.
“From Michelle and Chris’ perspective, it drives their meta-layer emotionally,” King said.
He hopes that those fans who are entering the world feel truly a whole. Charlie Booker, creator of Black Mirror, said the game is different because the players are very different. In Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, he said the players were “opponents” in the Bandersnatch show, which gave viewers the opportunity to choose where the story should go and what kind of ending should be. This is for the player agent.
King said it would be fun to have a game impact on Netflix shows. Ultraman said he wanted to see Netflix looking to explore the boundaries of cross-media and games that can be uniquely completed on Netflix. More watch features that are likely to react to players in the game.
“Netflix is a place to experiment, and we can explore the boundaries,” Altman said. “Players want to experience the world they like in a new way.”
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