Russian military aircraft were found flying in the Alaska Air Defense Signage Zone (ADIZ) on Tuesday and Wednesday, an event North American Aviation Defense Command (Norard) said: “It happens regularly and is not considered a threat.”
In both cases, Norard said Russian planes were found and tracked. Russian planes remained in international airspace and did not enter the sovereign airspace of the United States or Canada.
“Adiz starts where sovereign airspace ends, a clear international airspace that requires preparation to determine all aircraft in terms of national security interests,” Norad said.
This event is the President Donald Trump Work is being made to begin negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end Russia’s war in Ukraine.
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NORAD fighter pilot intercepted Russian Su-Su-35 aircraft on September 23, 2024. (Photo provided by Norad)
In Norad Canadian forces under joint commandIt monitors multiple Russian military aircraft activities in the Arctic.
and Russian plane In this case, Norard said, in this case, it was not considered a threat, and it launched a combat Air Patrol from its Norard region in Canada, to reach northern Canada, and from Its Alaska Norad area has air patrols. Alaska/Yukon region to further track activity.

Norad said it has been monitoring the activity of Russian military aircraft in Adiz, which is often happening and not a threat. (Nora)
Norad talks about the tense moments between Russia and Norad forces in September depicted in the video, One of the Russian Su-35s whipped directly in front of Norad F-16, apparently shocked on Adiz.
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Norad said at the time that on September 23, “the “non-professional aerial action” against our Norad F-16 occurred while “performing a conventional Russian TU-95 aircraft.”
General Gregory Guillot, commander of the North American Defense Command and the commander of the North American Command, condemned the dangerous behavior in a statement at the time.
“The Norad aircraft flew safe and disciplined interceptions in Alaska Alaska. The behavior of a Russian Su-35 is unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered to extinction, not you in the Everything you see in the professional air force.”
Caitlin McFall of Fox News Digital contributed to the report.