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Pain could be reduced by watching nature scenes, new study suggests

Pain could be reduced by watching nature scenes, new study suggests

Scientists have long suspected Exposed to nature It may reduce people’s pain experiences, and now there may be research to prove this.

A new study led by a team from the University of Vienna and the University of Exeter, published in the journal Nature Communications, reveals that nature not only relieves psychological symptoms of pain, but also affects Pain relief center Brain, as reported by SWN.

The researchers say the finding could lead to further advances to explore non-pharmacological pain treatments.

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In the study, 49 healthy adults sat inside a fMRI scanner (a machine that monitors brain activity) while receiving mild electric shocks.

A bird catches a fish in a body of water.

Participants were exposed to electric shocks while exposed to three different scenarios: natural, urban and control images of the undescribed chamber. (Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS)

The screen displayed to the participants showed three different images: nature, city scenes and a control scene in an inconspicuous room. SWN reported that their brains were then checked to see if the pain they encountered while watching each scene was different.

The researchers then used Advanced Machine Learning Analyze the original sensory signals the brain receives during body pain. The results showed that these signals were reduced when participants were exposed to natural scenes.

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This could mean that the natural pain effects are not only due to the participants being more relaxed, but actually altering the brain’s pain sensing pathways, the researchers said.

Two bears fishing in the river

The study shows that exposure to nature can have a physical impact on the brain’s pain sensing pathways. (Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS)

The study’s lead author said the study deepened past understanding of how nature affects pain symptoms.

Many studies It has been shown that people always report relief from pain when exposed to nature. ”He was cited in a press release from the University of Exeter.

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This study supports previous studies that have proposed similar findings.

Forty years ago, American researcher Roger Ulrich studied how hospital patients used fewer painkillers, and their windows overlooked the green space of trees and achieved faster recycling rates than those looking at brick walls.

People swim in rivers surrounded by nature, hills, mountains

“Many studies have shown that people are constantly exposed to nature to relieve pain,” said the lead study author. (Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS)

“Our study is the first to provide evidence from brain scans that it is not only a ‘placebo’ effect, it is a driving force for people’s beliefs and expectations that nature is good for them,” Steininger said.

“In contrast, the brain responds less to where the pain comes from and what information it feels.”

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These findings suggest that natural pain effects are real, although still significantly less than Traditional painkillers.

Those involved in the study hope to combine alternatives, such as experiencing nature, to improve overall pain management strategies.

Woman standing in the lake, staring at the mountains

The study highlights that even virtual encounters with nature may be beneficial for pain management. (Katielee Arrowsmith/SWNS)

Dr. Alex Smalley, co-author of the University of Exeter, notes that virtual encounters can bring the healing potential of nature when people can’t go out.

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“But we hope that our results can also serve as re-evidence on the importance of protection. Healthy and fully functional The natural environment encourages people to spend time in nature to benefit the interests of the earth and people. ” he said in a press release.

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He added: “The fact that this pain effect can be achieved through virtual natural exposure, which is easy to manage, has important practical implications for non-pharmacological treatments and opens up new avenues for research to better understand how nature affects our minds.”

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