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Ohio teacher placed on leave after allegedly visiting student’s home to demand missing homework

Ohio teacher placed on leave after allegedly visiting student’s home to demand missing homework

one Ohio Teacher A student’s family reported that educators appeared in their homes and requested a lack of homework and were therefore placed on administrative leave.

The family said the teacher was at the student’s home without notice Wednesday and asked the child to catch the missing homework.

During the interaction between the teacher and the student, the parents returned home, facing the teacher on the front porch.

Perrysburg School officials said in a statement that Hull Prairie Intermediate School (HPI) teachers will continue to take leave pending the results of the investigation.

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Young students doing homework

A teacher in Ohio was asked for leave after an educator appeared in their homes and asked for a lack of homework. (Getty Image)

The parents later emailed the school administrator to inform them of the incident and took the teacher off the next day. So are the police Started the investigation Enter the event.

“While there is limited content we can share due to the Family Education Rights Act (FERPA) and the ongoing police investigation, please rest assured that we are concerned about student safety with the greatest level of seriousness,” Perrysburg School Director Thomas Hosler said in a message to the family.

“The well-being of our students remains our top priority and we are working fully with law enforcement,” Hosler continued.

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Students do homework

During the incident, a parent returned home and allegedly faced the teacher on the front porch. (Getty Image)

this School District Hosler said, “committed to maintaining a safe, respectful and supportive environment for all students,” adding that staff are expected to “maintain professional boundaries” and “exercise good judgment” based on legal, professional and ethical responsibilities.

Hosler said the area will take action when the actions of staff do not match those standards.

He noted that the region is following all the necessary procedures outlined in the Ohio Amendment Act and the applicable collective bargaining agreement.


Police investigated the teachers’ requirements for homework at students’ homes. (Getty Image)

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“These steps are crucial to ensure due process follow, protect the integrity of the investigation and retain the ability of the region to take appropriate action on the incident,” Hosler said.

He continued: “We thank families who immediately report such concerns so that we can act quickly. We encourage all students and families to speak when they are concerned about employee behavior so that we can address them immediately. We appreciate your patience and understanding. With this investigation, we will provide updates within the scope of the law.”

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