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North Korea launches new unit with a focus on AI hacking, per report | TechCrunch

North Korea launches new unit with a focus on AI hacking, per report | TechCrunch

The North Korean government is reportedly setting up a new hacker group in the intelligence agency Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB).

Daily NKa news media focused on North Korea, Reported last week The new hacking sector, known as the Research Center 227, will focus on research to develop “offensive hacking technologies and programs” and cite sources within the regime.

According to the report, the research center 227 will study Western cybersecurity systems and computer networks, enhance the regime’s stealing of digital assets, develop AI-based technologies for information theft, and will work hard to respond to information from North Korea’s overseas hacker hacker hacker hacker hacker hacker hacker hacker hacker hacker troops, according to the report.

In recent years, North Korean hackers have been known to target crypto exchanges and global companies, leading to huge thefts like The latest 1.4 billion times bybit.

The NSA and the FBI have Previously accused Units of North Korea’s RGB hacking and espionage.

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