“Real-time” host Bill Maher President Trump raised challenges when he launched a tariff war between several countries.
“I have a basic question: Why do we bring back manufacturing?” Maher asked his group on Friday. “It’s so 70’s, you know? I mean, that ship has sailed. You know, there are countries that make jeans for $11. We’re never going to be that country again.”
“China is entering the AI era and he wants to go back to manufacturing, and by the way, if you create new jobs, who will take them away? Robots,” Maher continued. “Anyway, that’s who’s coming to take them! His behavior is like progress itself is awakening. No one speaks more to the awakening bull than me, but progress itself is not awakening. We’ve entered a different era.”

“Real-time” host Bill Maher asked why President Trump has brought back manufacturing since “so 70’s.” (Getty Image)
MSNBC contributor Sam Stein agreed, saying that “the AI revolution will completely overturn all of this” and make manufacturing “outdated”. But, free news columnist Batya Ungar-Sargon It is believed that “people want to go back to the 70s” because of the strength of the middle class at that time.
“In the 1970s, our largest share of GDP was the middle class. That was no different from our 25% economy in manufacturing,” Ungar-Sargon said. “Now, the top 20% of people exceed GDP. Our economy is a rising wealth channel, once the largest share in manufacturing, which makes many working class people a middle class living standard, and now the largest share is real estate and finance, which means that asset-rich Americans control over 50% of GDP in GDP, and their prosperity is booming, which is a booming boom.

Free media columnist Batya Ungar-Sargon argues that President Trump’s tariff war will help restore the middle class through strong manufacturing efforts. (Screen shot/HBO)
“Manufacturing is still being done. It’s just done in other countries,” she stressed.
“For wages, we will not work,” Mach interjected.
“That’s right, Bill,” Ungar-Sargon replied. “That’s the purpose of tariffs. They’re trying to make American workers more competitive in the global market. Why do we have to accept the competition we deserve to be at the bottom?
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Mach believes that the “robots” are taking over the manufacturing work Trump aims to bring back to the United States, which shows that the president opposes “progress.” (Costfoto/nurphoto via Getty image)
After echoing Trump’s argument that the key commodity is the “national security” issue of the United States, Ungar-Sargon told Maher, “It’s very important that we are in making stakes in what we need, and when China decides to fight us, we don’t rely on them to rely on steel and aluminum to fight them.”
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“Okay, at least that’s an answer,” Mach replied. “And you think that’s how it comes about? We’re going to go through this ‘transition-‘”
“Who is so upset right now? Stock markets, right? It’s the rich,” Ungar-Sargon said.
“Okay, a lot of people.” Mach pushed back. “Even people who are not rich…people have 401ks-”
“This is a class war for our president to represent the working class,” Ungar-Sargon added.
Fox News Digital reached out to the White House to comment.