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Long-term dangers of measles include ‘immune amnesia,’ brain swelling

Long-term dangers of measles include ‘immune amnesia,’ brain swelling

The steps are not just rash and a fever.

The disease West Texas explosion That continues to grow send 29 people, most of the little ones, to the hospital. Two people died, including a 6-year-old child.

It has never known how many people are ill in blast – there are at least 223 confirmed cases, but experts believe that hundreds of people can be infected from late January. While public health officers attempt to spread more contagious virus, some experts concern higher complications.

The measles don’t look like other childhood viruses to come and go. In severe cases it can cause pneumonia. About 1 of 1,000 patients developed encephalitis, or breaking the brain, and 1 or 2 killed every 1,000, according to the control centers and avoidance.

The virus can be destroyed by resistance, a complication called “immune amnesia.”

If we are sick of viruses or bacteria, our immune systems are capable of making memories easily allowed them to recognize and respond to pathogens when they meet again.

The measles targeted the cells, such as plasma cells and memory cells, with immunologic memories, which ruin some of the processes.

“No one escaped it,” said Dr. Michael Mina, a Baccine expert and former professor of Epideemiology at Harvard Th Chan School in Public Health, leading the field research.

In a 2019 study, Mina and his team found that the infection of a type could wreck anywhere 11% up to 73% of an individual’s antibody stockpiledepending on how severe the infection. That means that if people have 100 chanfox antibodies before they have measles, only to be left to 50 measles infections, which may be sick.

Akiko Iwasaki, a professor of immunology at the Yale School of Medicine, said: “So it is called Amnesia. We forgot who the enemies are.”

Although almost all infected with measles have weak immune systems, some will be like something else.

“There is no world where you can get measles and it doesn’t break some [immunity]”He said.” The question is to destroy it enough to make a clinical effect. “

In early study from 2015, Mina estimated that before vaccinations, when the measles, the virus may mean all half of all child deaths from contagious diseaseMost from other diseases such as pneumonia, sepsis, diarrheal and meningitis diseases.

Researchers learned that after the infection of the measles, the immune system can be stopped immediately and remained by two to three years.

“Immune Amnesia really begins when the virus changes the [memory] Cells, “Mina said.

The best defense against severe complications is Vaccine of measles. Two doses of vaccine are 97% effective in preventing infection.

What is ‘immune amnesia’?

Our bodies are often exposed to different bacteria and environmental viruses. With the passage of time, our immune systems learn to remember specific intraders and springs that are easy if something is noticed in body.

“Children contacted all microbes, and most of the meetings do not lead to illness,” said Dr. Adam Ratner at the Pediatric Division of Nyu Langee Health. “The child will always recover and have a memory, so if they see the same strain on a virus that causes diarrhea that they are less painful for the second time they are exposed to it.”

With Immune Amnesia, he said, if people were exposed to the same strain on the virus again, their bodies act as it was the first time and they were not in protection.

That means that the Viet of the measles can destroy the resistance of people built in many hours of things as commonly cold, the flu that can cause pneumonia or any patatogen.

Mina draws a comparison with HIV, saying the level of immunosuppression of a serious measles infection can be compared with unsteady HIV for many years. However, he warned that HIV has affected various parts of the immune system and that immune to people finally recover from measles.

How is the resistance resistance measles repaired?

The more contagious virus can destroy long-term plasma cells living in our bone marrow and important in our immune systems. Sells are like factories that pump antibodies to protect us from intruders to enter our bodies.

“It’s almost like bombing a sacred town,” Mina says, referring to the potential destruction of plasma cells after the infection of a scale.

The measles also refer to the cells of our bodies called memories of cells, cells that remember what the intruders look like to easily recognize and fight our resistences in the future.

Once we breathe virus, it is injured in cells called macrophages, acting as a “Trojan Horse” to get the virus in our lymph node, Iwasaki said.

Once there, the virus can afford to bind and destroy memory cells, eliminate some of our constructed resistance in the process.

“Once [memory cells] Eliminated, we no longer have a memory for specific pathogens yet, so you can easily have any infections that are not related to measles, “Iwasi said.

Does the immune system come back?

The way the body starts to change the resistance of resistance to the pieces of measles is to reveal other viruses and bacteria and regain resistance.

While such resistance can be transferred, it can bring more than other infections after the measles, as John Werry, an immunology of the University of Pennsylvania.

“As each parent knows to an older child, if you build a lot of resistance at the time you suffer from it,” Werry said.

Mina compares the release of our immune to why it seems so often sick.

“That illnesses get kids not because children are more dangerous. Just because they don’t have the same immunological memory,” he said. “They have to spend a few years to get it built by exposure, and that’s kind of what people can go after the measles.”

How measles can cause brain inflammation

The more frightening is an immutable particle complications called subacute sclerphaliti (SSPE), a brain disease that occurs with a person with infection and more lively.

For reasons not to understand, the measles virus can cause a steady infection that can lead to brain damage, resulting in reduced cognitive, comma and death.

Researchers believe in SSPE, once considered rare, be more common than fulfilling. art Review of California measles cases From 1998 to 2015 it was found that SSPE cases occurred in a higher expected rate of children not uncoccinated.

Progressive disease, and symptoms usually occur in rounds, Dr. Besessey Geevargese, a pediatric contagious drug in Northwestern.

“It can start with personalities and change behavior,” he said. To the children, it can be something that is badly worse at school performance.

The disease immediately develops and can cause seizures and abnormal action, as Geevargese. In the end, the parts of the brain regulating our valuable signs, such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure, decay.

There is no cure for the disease, and it is almost always fatal. Patients usually survive in one to three years after diagnosis. In the United States, there are usually four to five cases each year, but that can be an improvement, Ratner says, in the health of NYU LANGEE.

“It’s probably more common than thinking about it, because it doesn’t have to be always diagnosed,” he said. “But because these outreaks become more common, I think we can clearly see more SSPE cases.”

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