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Instagram partners with schools to prioritze reports of online bullying and student safety | TechCrunch

Instagram partners with schools to prioritze reports of online bullying and student safety | TechCrunch

Instagram on Tuesday Announce A new school partner program aims to speed up the processing of temperance reports submitted by verified school accounts.

The program is currently available to all middle schools and middle schools in the United States, allowing schools to report posts or student accounts that may directly violate the app’s guidelines. These reports will then be automatically prioritized for review and alerted to action.

The company said the goal is to help educators report more directly on possible teenage safety issues, including bullying.

Participated schools will be characterized by a banner of “school partners” indicating that they are involved in the program. In addition, Instagram will provide educational resources and provide tips on safe use of the app to educators, parents, guardians and students.

Instagram has tested its new program through 60 schools over the past year and has partnered with the International Society of Educational Technology and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ISTE+ASCD) to create the program.

Other middle schools in the United States can do it Sign up A waitlist form for joining the program.

The new plan is as Senators promote the Social Media Act (KOSMA), which attempts to ban social media access for children under the age of 13. In February, the Senate Commerce Committee Officially recognized bill. The U.S. Senate passed two relevant bills: Children’s Online Safety Act (KOSA) and Online Privacy Protection Act for Children and Teens (COPPA).

Instagram takes other steps to target online security. For example, it emission Teen Account For users under 16, it is set to private by default and has restrictions on messaging in parental controls and other restrictions.

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