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Google claims news is worthless to its ad business after test involving 1% of search results in eight EU markets | TechCrunch

Google claims news is worthless to its ad business after test involving 1% of search results in eight EU markets | TechCrunch

Google owns Report result An experiment It runs in eight* markets in Europe to remove 2.5 months of search results from search results – claiming that the news is simply not worth it to Google’s advertising business.

The search giant conducted the test because European copyright law requires it to pay news publishers for snippets of its content. But, how much is it to the news? Google believes publishers “overestimate” the value of journalism to their business. According to reports from its tests, the actual value “is not statistically different from zero in either overall or by country.”

Google hopes to use this result as a leverage in payment negotiations with European publishers. But the tech giant is taking a tricky route because it has faced Major antitrust fines In recent years, it has been related to news content in France. In particular, it was fined more than $100 million Methods of copyright negotiation with publishersspecifically.

Germany’s Competition Authority has reviewed elements of Google’s behavior around news – Force the company to make changes. As a result, any action taken by Google attempts to reduce the impact of EU copyright law by adding it to more regulated hot water by stating that news is worthless.

Indeed, the company initially included users in the news ablation test, but in a French court warned that it would be fined for a previous agreement with antitrust authorities. It is worth noting that Google has not tested it in Germany either.

*Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain

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