Game News Firm Game whistleblower Rising from the ashes. The 30th year of its first release in August 1991, the media was formal By parent company GameStop in August 2024. Since then, Gunzilla Games has gained the rights of game whistleblowers and, in a comprehensive victory in today’s media world, the entire team working for it Game whistleblower When closed, you will return to work.
Editor-in-chief Matt Miller Details on how to save the exit from the edge and point out that Gunzilla Games will be a disappointed boss. “The new master insists Game whistleblower “It’s still an independent editorial channel. Their feeling is as strong as our team does, the only way is to work with an editorial group to make 100% around the decisions we cover and how we make without any impact from them or anyone else.”
“We are proud to welcome talented voices Game whistleblower Gunzilla CEO and co-founder Vlad Korolov, in the Gunzilla Games family, and joins their struggle to maintain the heart of video game news. ” .
The website and its content catalog have been republished online. Game whistleblowerStaff also posted comments about the site’s interruptions and the belated two dozen games The essential game on their 2024 list. Print magazine is expected to resume activities, Miller said, with more details on subscription and membership options.
Gunzilla Games, Hollywood director In its leadership, a Royal Shooter was created Leave the grid And developed the Gunz blockchain platform.