weekly, Netflix Reveal its top ten list, with the most rankings Movie and TV Shows. While many of these top champions are expected, others may be surprised. Here we try to understand those seemingly random hits.
“I read this on reddit” is always an adventure way to start a conversation, but I went…I saw it lately reddit thread From a few years ago, the poster suggested that Netflix create entire categories on its homepage to showcase content that is about to leave the platform. Usually, on streaming, there are so many original titles being launched every week, and it’s the newcomer that the audience expects and can’t wait to dig deeper, but I spent a lot of time scrolling Top 10 And always surprised by seemingly random movies (usually from the early 2000s to the middle) leave website.
These films, such as the 2006 political thriller The Sentinel, starring Michael Douglas and Kiefer Sutherland, or Eddie Murphy’s 2007 The 2019 comedy “Eddie Murphy” (Eddie Murphy), both appeared on the list of Netflix’s top 10 English movies over the past two weeks, which seemed to be surprising initially. I’m not here to judge the quality of the movie, it’s just the sheer randomness of the spikes among the audience: Why this movie, why now? Until I realized they had gained a traffic improvement from the fact that Netflix started threatening to take it away. It reminded me of cleaning up my kid’s toy box and taking out the Talking Ben 10 watch he had never used since 2017 with the intention of donating it, just to let him discover it and feel like a close-up need to play in the near future This close-up view is again toy. If there is a psychological term, I’m not sure what it is called, but it’s real and Netflix is making it useful for them.
The fact that viewers are so attracted to content that is about to be taken away gives the idea of Reddit poster a real advantage. I don’t have to worry about leaving the platform’s titles because I think they will appear sometime elsewhere. But whether it is due to procrastination, loss aversion or pop culture fomo, the label of leaving works. Norbit and Mission: Impossible – Estimates of Dead, leaving the platform with all other missions last weekend: Impossible titles, with nearly 4 million views last week, enough to put them on 8 and 9 digits. In the top ten list.
Netflix doesn’t make annual lists list a secret – it makes this information available in Single title page and send the disassembly list to a large number of Site Publish this information. But you have to know where to look, and it won’t access a comprehensive list of these titles on its main interface. Given that the expiration frequency of the movies is getting pushed from their upcoming departures, maybe an article I saw on Reddit deserves advice from Reddit.