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A marine biologist discovered something incredible in a beer bottle on the seafloor

A marine biologist discovered something incredible in a beer bottle on the seafloor

This story is with Dodo bird.

Hanna Koch snorkeled in the keys in Florida one morning this week when she encountered a brown beer bottle at the bottom of the sea. Koch, a marine biologist in Monroe County, Florida, picked up the bottle, planned to carry it with him and throw it away.

Through her diving mask, Koch stares inside to make sure it is empty.

That was when she saw the eyeball.

“Something is staring at me,” Koch told me.

In fact, it’s not just an eyeball, but dozens. There is a mother octopus in the bottle and a group of babies.

“You can see their eyes, you can see their tentacles,” Koch said in a recent interview with Vox and Dodo. “They are completely established.”

Instead of throwing the bottle away as she originally intended, Koch threw it to another colleague of her marine biologist who carefully put it back into the sandy seabed. According to the images and videos, Chelsea Bennice, a marine biologist at the Atlantic University in Florida, said the animal could be a species of pygmy octopus that makes the entire encounter even more adorable.

On the one hand, hope to find a life – an octopus family! – Living in garbage. “One person’s trash is another octopus’ nursery,” Jennifer Jacquet, an environmental scientist at the University of Miami, told me when I showed her the photos. Her graduate student Janelle Kaz said it is actually not uncommon for octopus to live in beer bottles. “They are very curious and opportunistic,” Jacques said.

But it also reminds you that as Florida ecosystems decline, wildlife lives less and less. Overfishing, pollution and climate change have destroyed the habitat of the key nearshore, and Especially coral reefs – Over the past few decades.

Koch told me that it was ironicArtificial reefs: “The structures are usually made of concrete to enhance the habitat of fish, lobsters and other marine life. In fact, she snorkeled that morning to find out where to put some of the structures.

“This octopus found artificial habitat and built the home,” Koch said. “I was like, ‘Waiting for mom, because I’m going to give you some better habitat – someone can’t pick it up and throw it away.'”

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