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Anti-aging zealot Bryan Johnson wants to start ‘foodome sequencing’ | TechCrunch

Anti-aging zealot Bryan Johnson wants to start ‘foodome sequencing’ | TechCrunch

Just like genome sequencing determines the genetic makeup of an organism, behind Bryan Johnson, investor and founder Don’t die Movement – Want to start “Foodome” sequencing.

“We will be sequenced on the US ‘Foodome’, which means testing 20% ​​of food, which makes up 80% of the food we eat every day,” Johnson said on the SXSW Festival in Austin on Thursday.

Johnson is founder and former CEO corea brain monitoring device company, founder of the OS fund, and founder and former CEO of e-commerce company Braintree.

Today, he is fascinated by finding ways to extend his life and preach the gospel to others. He took extreme measures, including blood transfusions with his 17-year-old son and received shock therapy to get more nighttime erections, which he said was directly related to health.

Most of his tips on extending lifestyle habits are easy to guess: sleep is better. Spend time with the community. exercise. Eat healthy. But Johnson says eating healthy is not as easy as you think.

“I want to be with you. He said it was very, very difficult.

His goal is to test as many foods as possible and create a public database where people can donate to test certain foods and brands to test for toxins such as heavy metals or microplastics. He hopes that the result will put the brand accountable for unsafe food practices.

The idea received applause from the crowded audience of SXSW, who eagerly participated in Johnson’s various breathing exercises, prompts to move around, and longevity experiments, involving one foot with eyes closed on one foot. (My arrival 30 seconds – no big deal.)

Johnson faces a lot of hatred online due to his quirky philosophy, and with the advent of AI, we may be the first generation who doesn’t have to die.

“We are giving birth to super intelligence. Johnson said that’s the biggest thing in the whole world.

“Humanity will be a wise move to re-achieve its goals wisely [around AI and] Stay away from money at all costs.

In other words, when we debate the consistency between AI and humans, why not align AI with the maintenance of human life? He asked, why not use AI to leverage millions of “human-level geniuses” to track human progress and solve the biggest challenges of aging?

This is a provocative question and has also attracted criticism from skeptics who believe that death is an important part of humanity.

Longevity scientist Dr. Andrew Steele admit Eating well and exercising can help prolong life, but genetics (not extreme measures) play a bigger role in determining life expectancy.

However, this view did not stop Johnson from promoting his “Blueprint Agreement,” his lifestyle formula, to maintain what he said is the best biomarker in the world. He is also marketing his own supplements and food collections. His brand of olive oil is ironic, or appropriately called snake oil.

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