Editor’s Note: Roxanne Jones, founding editor of ESPN magazine and former vice president of ESPN, was a producer, journalist and editor of The New York Daily News and Philadelphia Inquirer. Jones is “Say loudly: Illustration history of black athletes. “She talks about politics, sports and culture every week in Philadelphia at 900 a.m. The views expressed here are entirely hers. Read More comments On CNN.
A federal judge in Texas ruled earlier this month to suspend the FDA’s approval of drugs that are often used for drug abortion, which is very personal to me.

That’s because I took mifils in a miscarriage a few years ago, which saved my life.
When I was prescribed a mites, it had not yet taken center stage in the abortion war in the United States. Unlike many women who need this medication, I don’t have to rush on the state line to get my medication, but live in one of many states that limit drug abortion or pass miscarriage.
I wasn’t forced to set up a secret party with a stranger to buy my medication on the black market, because several women I’ve spoken to recently said they plan to do so. I don’t have to Order Mifepristone online And find yourself sailing Many scammers Made with the current patchwork of abortion laws in the United States.
Mifepristone is one of two drugs used in drug abortion, the other is misoprostol, which is not ruled by a Texas judge. Both drugs can be used in people with miscarriage, allowing them to terminate pregnancy when the fetus is not feasible.
This happened a few years ago: After experiencing more than a day of bleeding in the first three months of pregnancy, I visited my ob-gyn, who explained after checking my blood pressure dropped rapidly that the heavy bleeding I experienced was an unquestionable sign.
For many women, prescription rifici is part of their regular medical services. In my case, it is not: I am facing a serious medical emergency, as my doctor explained. I am grateful for the life-saving medicine.
I was surprised by my miscarriage. About ten years ago, I loved my first pregnancy. As a healthy woman, when I get pregnant again, I have no reason to worry. When I was managed by mifescinone, I had lost the life I had already started to love. Like many other women, despite my educational level or financial status, I can’t go beyond the statistics that put black women at higher risk.
Up to a quarter of known pregnancy It will end with a miscarriage. For black women, the numbers are shocking. According to an analysis of 4.6 million pregnancy in seven countries, the risk of miscarriage in black women is 43% higher than white women.
In black communities, women have traditionally been taught to take on the burden silently – keep your business in your own business – even after the devastating devastation of pregnancy loss. As we try to go beyond a long list of statistics, we can do the same thing and keep it moving forward, which tell us that our lives are at risk, whether from health care risks to social injustice or other stressors.
During a miscarriage, I was a woman who was afraid, bleeding and suffering, and was in desperate need of safe emergency medical services. Thanks to Mifepristone’s administration, I was allowed to be dignified during the miscarriage. That’s what every woman deserves – whether it’s facing potentially life-threatening miscarriage or seeking an abortion.
I learned from my experience that every miscarriage is important. Women must get any medications and counseling we need to help us recover, including mifedone. What we don’t need is being criminalized by politicians and punitive reproduction, which have long been unique. Despite ongoing political attacks on women’s reproductive rights, more than 61% of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Pew Research Center.
Judge Samuel Alito released the Temporary order To preserve the status quo, ensure the use of drugs, while giving judges more time to study the issue.
I hope the Justice will put politics aside and focus on the science around mifepristone safety, a drug that I can be exposed to when my life is at risk. Mifepristone, an anabolic steroid, or even Safer than Common prescription drugs, including penicillin and Viagra.
Follow the scientific requirements, no matter what your position is on abortion Safe use of this drug For complications surrounding miscarriage.
We don’t know how the legal battle over drug abortion will unfold. But women across the country – blue and red countries are watching. Punitive Law Signed last week Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attempts to criminalize reproductive care providers. Worse, they are taking us for granted rights – it is unlikely that the law will forbid them to make health care decisions about their bodies.
It must end. I bet that women will have the last word whether it is our voice or our vote.