Archaeologists in the Jewish desert have unearthed a “mysterious pyramid-shaped structure” that dates back to 2,200 years.
The evacuation is a common mission between the Israel Antiquities Administration (IAA) and the Heritage Excavation Department.
According to a joint press release, the structure is related to the time when Ptolemy and Seyprus ruled Israel.
Ancient sketches from 200,000 years ago were found in caves
“What we have here is one of the richest and most attractive Archaeological excavations IAA Director of Excavations Matan Toledano, Dr. Eitan Klein and Amir Ganor said.

Archaeologists in the Jewish desert have unearthed the mysterious pyramid structure 2,200 years ago. (IAA)
The structure is made of manual stones, each with hundreds of pounds.
“We still don’t know what the purpose of the building is,” the evacuation director said.
The structure is believed to have been an escort tower, grave marking, and perhaps even Ancient monument.

Copper coins related to Ptolemy and Antiochs IV, weapons, wooden tools and fabrics were also found. (IAA)
“This is a fascinating historical mystery,” the director said in a press release.
Copper coins related to Ptolemy and Antiochs IV, weapons, wooden tools and fabrics were also found.
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In addition to the structure, historical documents, remains of bronze ships and ancient furniture were found. (IAA)
It is said that Israel Tourism.
Ancient discoveries provide new information that changes the website’s History.
The news said: “Contrary to the previous assumption that this structure was attributed to the first temple period, it appears to have been built later in the period when the land of Israel belonged to Ptolemaic rule.”
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“The Jewish desert survey is one of the most important archaeological actions ever,” said IAA Director Eli Escusido. The State of Israel history. ”

The excavator called the pyramid structure a “fascinating historical mystery.” (IAA)
“These discoveries are exciting, even emotional, and they are also of great significance to archaeological and historical research,” Escusido added.
In addition to the structure, historical documents, remains of bronze ships and ancient furniture were found.
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