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WILLIAM BENNETT, LAMAR ALEXANDER: We both ran the Education Dept. and there are 3 key things to do without it

WILLIAM BENNETT, LAMAR ALEXANDER: We both ran the Education Dept. and there are 3 key things to do without it

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America survived for two centuries Federal Ministry of Education And can do this again. Students have not made much progress in the 45 years in the department. For example, the nine-year-old has no better reading today than when the department was founded in 1979.

The truth is, having a cabinet-level agency specializing in education doesn’t make our kids smarter, our schools better or our academic performance stronger — and it adds Out-of-control growth in education spending.

Downgrading it, perhaps bringing some functions into other departments, cancels the sign – any such move requires Congress’ consent, but does not harm the future of today’s children or nations. We say this is the former education secretary, one is President Ronald Reagan and the other is President George HW Bush.

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What causes serious damage – This is a question of on-site attention As Doge wields its broad axe – Some of the important programs and responsibilities currently being housed in the education sector are being eliminated.

A group of children from school

One of the most important things the education sector does is “the national transcript”, which helps us know how students perform. (iStock)

The institution did three things, and it’s important that all of them require overhaul, but all of them are too important to be discarded. Let’s not throw these babies out with bath water.

First of all, there is the “national transcript”. This regular accounting is grouped together by a department called the National Center for Education Statistics, which collects basic data, manages critical tests of student performance, and informs children across the country about their performance in 3RS and in U.S. history, citizenship, and science. Without this data – collected regularly, carefully analyzed and accurately reported – we first assigned the government’s educational responsibilities to the laws passed by Congress in 1867:

“…[C]Illustrative of these statistics and facts will show the status and progress of education in several states and territories, as well as the spread of information involving the organization and management of schools and school systems, as well as teaching methods, and help the American people in the creation and maintenance of effective school systems, as well as education throughout the country. ”

A century and a half later, we still need all of this!

The second is to correct violations of students’ civil rights. We are talking about actual violations here, rather than Orwellians looking for “different effects”, which is often the focus of education sector executives in recent years. But whether it is a child with disabilities that does not receive the kind of education she needs, a minority child denies entering a university he qualifies, or a Jewish (or Muslim) student who is harassing on campus, it is the work of the education department to try to solve this problem. (It is conceivable that the Justice Department can handle this, but now its hands are full!)

Third, the education department allocates federal funds for various programs and services for schools and colleges. This garden absolutely needs weeding. Better yet – as each of us has proposed in the past – most of the money in the K-12 program should be “granted” to the states.

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In 2014, Senate legislation recommended that states convert 41% of federal primary school funds into $2,100 scholarships that would follow 11 million children from low-income families to accredited schools of their choice. Similar legislation proposes federal scholarships for children with disabilities – many states are already doing.

With schools being chosen to relate to local money that is state and (usually) in schools where kids actually go to school, large federal programs still use squeaky formulas that allocate funds to schools to allocate funds in ways that may never benefit from young people.

The institution did three things, and it’s important that all of them require overhaul, but all of them are too important to be discarded. Let’s not throw these babies out with bath water.

In Senior Ed, the situation is different, where we give grants to college students in need who accompany them to the college they really attend. If vouchers like this (which is Pell’s grant) help create the best universities, why not use them to create the best schools?

This will remove the level of bureaucracy, inject the competition needed into the education system, and remove Uncle Sam from the way national policy makers, especially parents make the best school choices for their children.

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The Ministry of Education contains a lot of dirty bath water that should be drained. But three babies splashed inside. To be sure, clean them, but don’t throw them away.

Lamar Alexander and Bill Bennett serve as U.S. Secretary of Education for George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan, respectively.

Lamar Alexander was elected governor and U.S. Senate from Tennessee. He also served as president of the University of Tennessee and secretary of education for U.S. President George H.W. Bush. He co-founded a Nashville law firm and two successful businesses.

Click here for more information about William J. Bennett

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