Verizon Have been announced It will now support satellites on your phone from Pixel 9 and Galaxy S25 line-up. Both Google and Samsung’s current phones support satellite connections, but neither really exploits other skills Satellite SOS function This is added to Android 15.
Verizon says when the Pixel 9 and Galaxy S25 phones are “out of the terrestrial cellular network”, text will be delivered through satellites and should have the same limitations as other satellite tools, such as the need to position yourself as yourself so there is no large structure or tree cover between your phone and the sky. It is also worth noting: the necessary changes “make this service start today and will continue for the next two weeks,” so you may have to wait longer before you can start your next off-grid adventure.
Apple introduced By satellite message Together with iOS 18, it doesn’t rely on carriers to support it, but it should be a good idea of how Verizon’s satellite messaging works when it’s fully utilized on the Pixel 9 and Galaxy S25.
Carrier cooperates with satellite providers AST Space To expand the list of satellite connection services, the company has experiment There are more demanding communication options, such as video calls. Competitors like T-Mobile have passed Partner with SpaceX’s Starlink.