Looking for Latest Mini crossword answers? Click here to get today’s mini crossword tipsand our daily answers and the New York Times, Tips for Chain, Connect and Connect: Sports Edition puzzles.
Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Game It can be tricky. I don’t like those clues related to another clue, like today’s 5-cross and 2 unders. Fortunately, this is a very common answer. Do you need some help with today’s mini crossword game? read. If you can use some tips and guidance for your daily solution, check out us Mini crossword game.
The mini crossword is just one of many games in the Times game collection. If you are looking for today’s words, links, links: Sports Edition and chain answers you can access CNET’s NYT puzzle tips page.
Read more: Tips and Tips for Solving the New York Times Mini Crossword Game
Let’s get the clues and answers to those mini crosswords.
The NYT mini crossword game completed on March 17, 2025.
Mini cross clues and answers
1A Clue: Signed Health Legislation in the Obama Era, Short
Answer: ACA
4A Clue: Pitt of “Moneyball”
Answer: Brad
5A clue: There are 2 American national parks, larger than the entire Rhode Island
Answer: Shanda
6a Clues: The capital of the Sahara countries is Tripoli
Answer: Libya
7a clue: verbal map
Answer: Idioms
8a clue: grilled ___ (barbecue side dishes)
Answer: Bean
Mini Don’s clues and answers
1D Clues: Oil-rich Peninsula
Answer: Arab
2D clue: See 5-actross
Answer: Canyon
3D clue: After Wednesday
A: Adam
4D Clues: People traditionally represent her entrance
Answer: Bride
5D clue: Sincerity
Answer: glib
How to play more mini crosswords
this New York Times Games Section There are plenty of online games available, but only some of them are free to play. You can play today’s mini crosswords for free, but you need to subscribe to the Times section to play older puzzles from the archives.